Biswas Benukar,Ghosh Tridiv,Chakraborty Debashis,Banerjee Saon,Mandal Baidya Nath,Saha Sarathi
AbstractReplacement of water-intensive winter rice with strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.) may restrict groundwater extraction and improve water productivity and sustainability of agricultural production in the arsenic-contaminated Bengal basin. The potential of strawberry cultivation in terms of yield obtained and water use efficiency need to be evaluated under predominant soil types with mulch applications. Water-driven model AquaCrop was used to predict the canopy cover, soil water storage and above-ground biomass of strawberry in an arsenic-contaminated area in the Bengal basin. After successful calibration and validation over three seasons, AquaCrop was used over a range of management scenarios (nine drip-irrigation × three soil types × four mulch materials) to identify the best irrigation options for a drip-irrigated strawberry crop. The most appropriate irrigation of 176 mm for clay loam soil in lowland and 189 mm for sandy clay loam in medium land rice areas and the use of organic mulch from locally available jute agrotextile improved 1.4 times higher yield and 1.7 times higher water productivity than that of without mulch. Strawberry can be introduced as an alternative crop replacing rice in non-traditional upland and medium land areas of the arsenic-contaminated Bengal basin with 88% lower groundwater extraction load and better economic return to farmers.
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
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