Thermal tolerances of Popenaias popeii (Texas hornshell) and its host fish from the Rio Grande Basin, Texas


Rangaswami Xenia L.,Goldsmith Amanda M.,Khan Jennifer M.,Robertson Clinton R.,Lopez Roel R.,Randklev Charles R.


AbstractFreshwater mussels are particularly sensitive to hydrologic changes, including streamflow and temperature, resulting in global decline. The Devils River in south-central Texas harbors the endangered freshwater mussel Popenaias popeii (Unionidae; Texas hornshell). There is concern that water withdrawals from the underlying aquifer may be negatively impacting this species. To assess this risk, we evaluated upper thermal tolerances (LT05 and LT50) of larvae (glochidia) and juveniles from two sites. After being acclimated to 27 °C, glochidia were subjected to five experimental temperatures (30, 32, 34, 36, and 38 °C) and non-acclimated control (20 °C) for 12-h and 24-h while juveniles were subjected to three experimental temperatures (30, 32, and 36 °C) and non-acclimated control (20 °C) for 96-h. We overlaid tolerance estimates against in situ water temperature and discharge data to evaluate thermal exceedances. Additionally, we reviewed upper thermal tolerances of P. popeii’s presumed host fish (Carpiodes carpio, Cyprinellas lutrensis, and Moxostoma congestum) and their congeners. Stream temperatures only occasionally exceeded mussel LT05/50 and fish CLMax/LTMax, likely due to the Devils River’s large spring input, highlighting the importance of protecting spring flows. We provide a practical framework for assessing hydrological needs of aquatic ectotherms, including the parasite-host relationship, which can be used to optimize environmental management.


Texas Parks and Wildlife Department

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service


Springer Science and Business Media LLC



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