Comprehensive data mining reveals RTK/RAS signaling pathway as a promoter of prostate cancer lineage plasticity through transcription factors and CNV


Wei Guanyun,Zhang Xu,Liu Siyuan,Hou Wanxin,Dai Zao


AbstractProstate cancer lineage plasticity is a key driver in the transition to neuroendocrine prostate cancer (NEPC), and the RTK/RAS signaling pathway is a well-established cancer pathway. Nevertheless, the comprehensive link between the RTK/RAS signaling pathway and lineage plasticity has received limited investigation. In particular, the intricate regulatory network governing the interplay between RTK/RAS and lineage plasticity remains largely unexplored. The multi-omics data were clustered with the coefficient of argument and neighbor joining algorithm. Subsequently, the clustered results were analyzed utilizing the GSEA, gene sets related to stemness, multi-lineage state datasets, and canonical cancer pathway gene sets. Finally, a comprehensive exploration of the data based on the ssGSEA, WGCNA, GSEA, VIPER, prostate cancer scRNA-seq data, and the GPSAdb database was conducted. Among the six modules in the clustering results, there are 300 overlapping genes, including 3 previously unreported prostate cancer genes that were validated to be upregulated in prostate cancer through RT-qPCR. Function Module 6 shows a positive correlation with prostate cancer cell stemness, multi-lineage states, and the RTK/RAS signaling pathway. Additionally, the 19 leading-edge genes of the RTK/RAS signaling pathway promote prostate cancer lineage plasticity through a complex network of transcriptional regulation and copy number variations. In the transcriptional regulation network, TP63 and FOXO1 act as suppressors of prostate cancer lineage plasticity, whereas RORC exerts a promoting effect. This study provides a comprehensive perspective on the role of the RTK/RAS pathway in prostate cancer lineage plasticity and offers new clues for the treatment of NEPC.


National Natural Science Foundation of China

Project of Wuxi Health Committee


Springer Science and Business Media LLC







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