1. Kirk, A. One in four self-diagnose on the Internet instead of visiting the doctor. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/health/news/11760658/One-in-four-self-diagnose-on-the-internet-instead-of-visiting-the-doctor.html [The Telegraph: posted 24-July-2015].
2. Donnelly, L. One in four patients cannot get through to GP surgery. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/nhs/12019423/One-in-four-patients-cannot-get-through-to-GP-surgery.html [The Telegraph: posted 27-November-2015].
3. PushDoctor. One in four people in the UK admit to self-diagnosis of an illnesses rather than making time for a doctor’s appointment. http://www.pushdoctor.co.uk/digital-health-report .
4. Roberts, D. Online self-diagnosis can cause surfers to fear the worst. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/health/4986309/Online-self-diagnosis-leads-surfers-to-fear-the-worst.html [The Telegraph: posted 15-March-2009].
5. BMA. Self care: question and answer. https://www.bma.org.uk/ .