1. Verhaegen, G., Stafford, F. E., Goldfinger, P., and Ackerman, M., Eighteenth Intern. Cong. Pure and App. Chem. Montreal, Canada, 1961 (to be published).
2. Colin, R., and Goldfinger, P. (to be published).
3. Colin, R., Goldfinger, P., and Jeunehomme, M., Nature, 187, 408 (1960).
4. Kubaschewski, O., and Evans, E. Ll., Metallurgical Thermochemistry (Pergamou Press, 1953).
5. Stull, D. R., and Sinke, G. C., Thermodynamic Properties of the Elements, Advances in Chemistry, Ser. 18 (Amer. Chem. Soc., 1956).