1. Ellis H. Robert Graves: 1796–1852. Br J Hosp Med (Lond). 2006;67:313.
2. Graves RJ. Clinical Lectures on the Practice of Medicine, London, New Sydenham Society. London: Lecture IV: The Pulse; 1864. New Sydenham Society, 1864. Lecture IV: The Pulse.
3. Floyer SJ. The Physician’s Pulse Watch; or, an essay to explain the old art of feeling the pulse and to improve it by the help of a pulse-watch, Vol. I. London: S. Smith and B. Walford; 1707.
4. Graves RJ. Clinical lectures delivered at the Meath Hospital during the session of 1834–5. Lecture XII. Lond Med Surg J. 1835;7:513.
5. Parry CH. Collections from the unpublished medical writings, London. Underwoods. 1825;2:110.