1. Hawkins, G. S., Nature, 200, 306–8 (1963); 202, 1258–1261 (1964); Antiquity, 41, 91–92 (1967); Stonehenge Decoded (Souvenir, London, 1966); in Vistas in Astronomy, 10 (edit. by Beer, A.), 45–88 (Pergamon, London, 1968).
2. Atkinson, R. J. C., Stonehenge (Hamish Hamilton, London, 1956); Nature, 210, 1302 (1966); Antiquity, 40, 212 (1966); 41, 63 (1967); 41, 92–5 (1967).
3. Sadler, D. H., Nature, 211, 1119–1121 (1966); Antiquity, 41, 97–8 (1967).
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