A T follicular helper cell origin for T regulatory type 1 cells


Solé Patricia,Yamanouchi Jun,Garnica JosepORCID,Uddin Muhammad Myn,Clarke Robert,Moro Joel,Garabatos Nahir,Thiessen Shari,Ortega Mireia,Singha Santiswarup,Mondal Debajyoti,Fandos César,Saez-Rodriguez Julio,Yang Yang,Serra Pau,Santamaria PereORCID


AbstractChronic antigenic stimulation can trigger the differentiation of antigen-experienced CD4+ T cells into T regulatory type 1 (TR1) cells, a subset of interleukin-10-producing Treg cells that do not express FOXP3. The identities of the progenitor(s) and transcriptional regulators of this T-cell subset remain unclear. Here, we show that the peptide-major histocompatibility complex class II (pMHCII) monospecific immunoregulatory T-cell pools that arise in vivo in different genetic backgrounds in response to pMHCII-coated nanoparticles (pMHCII-NPs) are invariably comprised of oligoclonal subpools of T follicular helper (TFH) and TR1 cells with a nearly identical clonotypic composition but different functional properties and transcription factor expression profiles. Pseudotime analyses of scRNAseq data and multidimensional mass cytometry revealed progressive downregulation and upregulation of TFH and TR1 markers, respectively. Furthermore, pMHCII-NPs trigger cognate TR1 cell formation in TFH cell-transfused immunodeficient hosts, and T-cell-specific deletion of Bcl6 or Irf4 blunts both the TFH expansion and TR1 formation induced by pMHCII-NPs. In contrast, deletion of Prdm1 selectively abrogates the TFH-to-TR1 conversion. Bcl6 and Prdm1 are also necessary for anti-CD3 mAb-induced TR1 formation. Thus, TFH cells can differentiate into TR1 cells in vivo, and BLIMP1 is a gatekeeper of this cellular reprogramming event.


Gouvernement du Canada | Instituts de Recherche en Santé du Canada | CIHR Skin Research Training Centre


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Infectious Diseases,Immunology,Immunology and Allergy








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