1. House of Commons First Report from the Environment Committee, Session 1985–86, Radioactive Waste Vol. 1, LXI (HMSO, London, 1986).
2. Department of the Environment The Householders Guide to Radon (HMSO, London, 1988).
3. Hughes, J.S., Shaw, K.B. & O'Riordan, M.C. The Radiation Exposure of the UK Population 1988 Review NRPB-R227 (NRPB, Chilton, 1988).
4. Hughes, J.S. & Roberts, G.C. The Radiation Exposure of the UK Population 1984 Review NRPB-R173 (NRPB, Chilton, 1984).
5. Exposure to Radon Daughers in Dwellings NRPB-GS6 (NRPB, Chilton, 1987).