1. Schönbein, C. F., Ann. Phys. und Chem., 65, 69, 161 (1845).
2. Schön, E., Ber. deutsch. Chem. Ges., 13, 1503 (1880); Fonrobert, E., "Das Ozon" (Stuttgart, 1916), 25.
3. See, for example, Francis, A. G., and Parsons, A. T., The Analyst, 50, 262 (1925); Reynolds, W. C., J. Soc. Chem. Ind., Trans., 49, 168 (1930).
4. cf. Conference on Atmospheric Ozone at Oxford, Sept. 1936 (Supplement to Quart. J. Roy. Met. Soc., 62, 13, 1936). The trustworthiness of somewhat complicated chemical reactions recently used as a basis for ozone determinations is still uncertain.
5. McVey, W. C., J. Assoc. Off. Agric. Chem., 18, 459 (1935).