1. Goldemberg, J., Martinez-Gomez, J., Sagar, A. & Smith, K. R. Household air pollution, health, and climate change: Cleaning the air. Environ. Res. Lett. 13, 030201 (2018). An overview of clean cooking benefits.
2. Jain, A. et al. Access to Clean Cooking Energy and Electricity: Survey of States 2018 (Council on Energy, Environment and Water, 2018); https://www.ceew.in/publications/access-clean-cooking-energy-and-electricity-survey-states. Largest survey of clean cooking practices in India.
3. Harish, S. and Smith, K. R. (eds) Ujjwala 2.0: From Access to Sustained Usage Policy Brief CCAPC/2019/03 (Collaborative Clean Air Policy Centre, 2019; https://ccapc.org.in/s/CCAPC-Ujjwala-V20-Aug-2019-9cm8.pdf Policy recommendations to promote sustained LPG use in India.
4. Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India on Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana Report no. 14 of 2019 (Union Government (Commercial) Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas, 2019); https://cag.gov.in/sites/default/files/audit_report_files/Report_No_14_of_2019_Performance_Audit_of_Pradhan_Mantri_Ujjwala_Yojana_Ministry_of_Petroleum_and_Natural_Gas_0.pdf Audit of PMUY at the national level.