1. Proc. Roy. Soc., Edinburgh, 63 (1947). An Experiment in Marine Fish Cultivation. No. 1. Introduction. By Dr. F. Gross. 1s. No. 2. Some Physical and Chemical Conditions in a Fertilized Sea-Loch (Loch Craiglin, Argyll) by Dr. A. P. Orr. 3s. No. 3. The Plankton of a Fertilized Loch. By Dr. S. M. Marshall. 2s. 2d. No. 4. The Bottom Fauna and the Food of Flatfishes in a Fertilized Sea-Loch (Loch Craiglin). By J. E. G. Raymont. 3s. 8d. No. 5. Fish Growth in a Fertilized Sea-Loch (Loch Craiglin). By Dr. F. Gross. 7s. 8d. See also Nature, 153, 483 (1944); 158, 187 (1946).
2. Cooper, L. H. N., J. Mar. Biol. Assoc., 27, 326 (1948).
3. Buch, K., "Der Borsäuregehalt des Meerwassers und seine Bedeutung bei der Berechnung des Kohlensäuresystems im Meerwasser". Cons. perm. int. pour l‘explor. de la mer, Rapp. et Proc.-verb., 85, 71 (1933).