Communities creating climate solutions for a healthy planet and healthy people


Rossmann SonjaORCID,Gebrewold Belachew


AbstractWhile on a global level, the implementation of climate solutions is slow, numerous local initiatives such as ecovillages are actively working towards establishing a harmonious and sustainable relationship with nature, fostering improvements in both planetary and human well-being. Research on the health co-benefits of global climate action has increased in recent years, while less research has been done on the impacts at the local level. This article explores the connection between climate action and health through a literature review and a case study on climate practices of an ecovillage. Three climate action tracks are presented that have the biggest potential to create health co-benefits on a global level: air quality, urban planning, and food systems. Implemented specific climate practices at the ecovillage show an individually perceived impact on the health of the residents due to physical activity, healthy nutrition, and mental health. The authors argue that the implementation of small-scale collective climate practices within ecovillages can play a significant role in addressing the climate crisis, while simultaneously promoting health. These practices provide valuable insights into evaluating and implementing tangible climate solutions. This article shows the importance of small-scale initiatives for global change. Given the limited existing literature and research on this particular topic, this article holds significant value as it contributes to a growing research field at the interface of climate action, ecovillage, and health studies.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC

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