1. Details are given in recent papers in the Mineralogical Magazine, and abstracts of recent literature in Mineralogical Abstracts
2. NATURE, 129, 781 (1932).
3. NATURE, 129, 932 (1932).
4. Gifford, A. C., ” The Mountains of the Moon.” New Zealand J. Sci. Tech., 7, 129–142 (1924); and recapitulation in 11, 319–327 (1930). See NATURE, 126, 379 (1930).
5. Mohorovii, S., ” Experimentelle Untersuchungen über die Entstehung der Mondkrater: ein neuer Beitrag zur Bxplosionshypothese”. (Croatian with German summary.) Archiv za Hemiju i Farmaciju, Zagreb, 2, 66 76 + 4 plates (1928).