Genomics and the origin of species


Seehausen Ole,Butlin Roger K.,Keller Irene,Wagner Catherine E.,Boughman Janette W.,Hohenlohe Paul A.,Peichel Catherine L.,Saetre Glenn-Peter,Bank Claudia,Brännström Åke,Brelsford Alan,Clarkson Chris S.,Eroukhmanoff Fabrice,Feder Jeffrey L.,Fischer Martin C.,Foote Andrew D.,Franchini Paolo,Jiggins Chris D.,Jones Felicity C.,Lindholm Anna K.,Lucek Kay,Maan Martine E.,Marques David A.,Martin Simon H.,Matthews Blake,Meier Joana I.,Möst Markus,Nachman Michael W.,Nonaka Etsuko,Rennison Diana J.,Schwarzer Julia,Watson Eric T.,Westram Anja M.,Widmer Alex


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Genetics (clinical),Genetics,Molecular Biology

Reference200 articles.

1. Coyne, J. & Orr, H. Speciation (Sinauer Associates, 2004). This comprehensive book is a must-read for every student of speciation. It provides excellent background information and reviews of all facets of research on the speciation process.

2. Nosil, P. Ecological Speciation (Oxford Univ. Press, 2012). This is an in-depth treatment of speciation by divergent natural selection.

3. Price, T. Speciation in Birds (Roberts & Company, 2008).

4. Dobzhansky, T. Studies on hybrid sterility. II. Localization of sterility factors in Drosophila pseudoobscura hybrids. Genetics 21, 113–135 (1936).

5. Muller, H. J. & Pontecorvo, G. Recessive genes causing interspecific sterility and other disharmonies between Drosophila melanogaster and simulans. Genetics 27, 157 (1942).







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