1. Nuffield Trust. Bold action or slow decay? The State of NHS Dentistry and future policy actions. Available at: www.nuffieldtrust.org.uk/research/bold-action-or-slow-decay-the-state-of-nhs-dentistry-and-future-policy-actions (accessed August 2024).
2. British Dental Association. News release: Half of dentists have cut back NHS work, with more to follow as crisis mounts. March 2023. Available at: www.bda.org/media-centre/half-of-dentists-have-cut-back-nhs-work-with-more-to-follow-as-crisis-mounts/ (accessed August 2024).
3. Internal data released with permission from the 111 Pathways Team, NHS Transformation Directorate.
4. GP Patient Survey National Report 2024. Survey and reports. July 2024. Available at: https://gp-patient.co.uk/surveysandreports (accessed August 2024).
5. NHS Digital. NHS Dental Statistics for England, 2022-23, Annual Report. Available at: https://digital.nhs.uk/data-and-information/publications/statistical/nhs-dental-statistics/2022-23-annual-report (accessed August 2024).