1. Slicher, A. M., Bull. Bingham oceanogr. Coll., 17 (3), 1 (1961).
2. Slicher, A. M., Pickford, G. E., and Ball, J. N., Anat. Rec., 142, 327 (1962).
3. We thank Dr. Choh Hao Li of the Hormone Research Laboratories, University of California, for the gift of a sample of sheep α-ACTH.
4. Slicher, A. M., and Ball, J. N., Amer. Zoologist, 2, 449 (1962) (and unpublished).
5. Jenkins, J. S., Meakin, J. W., and Nelson, D. H., Endocrinol., 64, 572 (1959).