1. Modern Electroplating, edit. by Gray, A. G. (John Wiley, New York, 1953).
2. Dodson, R. W., et al., chap. 1 in Miscellaneous Physical and Chemical Techniques of the Los Alamos Project, edit. by Graves, A. C., and Froman, D. K. (McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., 1952).
3. Parker, W., et al., Nucl. Instrum. and Methods, 5, 22 (1960).
4. Yaffe, L., Ann. Rev. Nucl. Sci., 12, 153 (1962).
5. Parker, W., and Slätis, H., in Alpha-, Beta- and Gamma-ray Spectroscopy, edit. by Siegbahn, chap. 7 (North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam, 1965).