1. Lindsay R. Unpublished diary. 7 August 1926.
2. Ancestry UK. Ship Caronia departing Southampton, England bound for New York, departing 7 August 1926: UK and Ireland Outward Passenger Lists, 1890-1960 Results. Available at https://www.ancestry.co.uk/search/collections/2997/?count=50&departure=1926-8-7_southampton&departure_x=0-0-0&f-Self-Departure-Ship=caronia (accessed July 2022).
3. Lindsay R. Unpublished letter from Robert Lindsay to Lilian Lindsay. 13 August 1926.
4. Lindsay R. Unpublished diary. 11 August 1926.
5. Past Impressions. The games people played. Available at https://pastimpressionsblog.wordpress.com/2017/08/08/the-games-people-played/ (accessed July 2022).