A genetic risk score to predict treatment nonresponse in psychotic depression


ter Hark Sophie E.ORCID,Coenen Marieke J. H.,Vos Cornelis F.,Aarnoutse Rob E.,Nolen Willem A.,Birkenhager Tom K.,van den Broek Walter W.,Schellekens Arnt F. A.,Verkes Robbert-Jan,Janzing Joost G. E.


AbstractPsychotic depression is a severe and difficult-to-treat subtype of major depressive disorder for which higher rates of treatment-resistant depression were found. Studies have been performed aiming to predict treatment-resistant depression or treatment nonresponse. However, most of these studies excluded patients with psychotic depression. We created a genetic risk score (GRS) based on a large treatment-resistant depression genome-wide association study. We tested whether this GRS was associated with nonresponse, nonremission and the number of prior adequate antidepressant trials in patients with a psychotic depression. Using data from a randomized clinical trial with patients with a psychotic depression (n = 122), we created GRS deciles and calculated positive prediction values (PPV), negative predictive values (NPV) and odds ratios (OR). Nonresponse and nonremission were assessed after 7 weeks of treatment with venlafaxine, imipramine or venlafaxine plus quetiapine. The GRS was negatively correlated with treatment response (r = −0.32, p = 0.0023, n = 88) and remission (r = −0.31, p = 0.0037, n = 88), but was not correlated with the number of prior adequate antidepressant trials. For patients with a GRS in the top 10%, we observed a PPV of 100%, a NPV of 73.7% and an OR of 52.4 (p = 0.00072, n = 88) for nonresponse. For nonremission, a PPV of 100%, a NPV of 51.9% and an OR of 21.3 (p = 0.036, n = 88) was observed for patients with a GRS in the top 10%. Overall, an increased risk for nonresponse and nonremission was seen in patients with GRSs in the top 40%. Our results suggest that a treatment-resistant depression GRS is predictive of treatment nonresponse and nonremission in psychotic depression.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC

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