1. Zinsser, H. Infection and Resistance. p. 443 (Macmillan, New York, 1914).
2. Weiser, R. S. in Cell-bound Antibodies (Amos, B. & Koprowski, H. eds) p. 72 (Wistar Institute Press, Philadelphia, 1963).
3. In this paper, my use of the term “cell-bound” antibodies is not meant to include “cytophilic” antibodies. The former were not to be found in the circulation, whereas the latter are circulating antibodies that adhere to cells.
4. Amos, B. & Koprowski, H. (eds) Cell-bound Antibodies (Wistar Institute Press, Philadelphia, 1963). It is significant that this meeting was convened at the behest of the National Academy of Science's Committee on Tissue Transplantation.
5. Behring, E. & Kitasato, S. Deutsch. med. Wochenschr. 16, 1113–1114 (1890). See also Behring, E. & Wernicke, E. Z. Hyg 12, 10–44 & 45–57 (1892).