1. National Science Board. Science & Engineering Indicators – 2000 (National Science Foundation, Arlington, VA, 2000) (NSB-00-1), p 8–20. Contains unpublished data from J.D. Miller, C., Midden, E., Einseidel, & L. Kimmel.
2. http://ificinfo.health.org/foodbiotech/survey.htm
3. National Science Board. Science & Engineering Indicators – 2000 (National Science Foundation, Arlington, VA, 2000) (NSB-00-1)
4. US Office of Technology Assessment. New developments in biotechnology: public perceptions of biotechnology. NTIS order #PB87-207544 (1987) or www.ota.nap.edu/pubs.html.
5. Priest, S., & Talbert, J. Southwestern Mass Communication Journal 10(1), 76–85 (1994).