1. "Sur l'Absorption Atmosphériqne des Radiations ultra-violettes," Journ. de Physique, t. x. 1881
2. "On the Absorption-Spectrum of Ozone, and on the Absorption of Solar Rays by Atmospheric Ozone," Journ. Chem. Soc. 1881, xxxix., pp. 57, 111, 119.
3. In the Phil. Mag., September 1888, p. 288, Messrs Liveing and Dewar refer only to my first paper on the absorption-spectrum of ozone, Journ Chem Soc., xxxix, p. 57, but not to the more complete paper on this spectrum at pp. 111–119, Loc. cit., which indicates the possible limits of the ozone in the atmosphere.