1. Brooks, R. Intelligence without representation. Artif. Intell. 47, 139–159 (1991).
2. Srinivasan, M. V. Honey bees as a model for vision, perception, and cognition. Annu. Rev. Entomol. 55, 267–284 (2010). An excellent review on the visual system of the honeybee.
3. Menzel, R. & Giurfa, M. Cognitive architecture of a mini-brain: the honeybee. Trends Cognitive Sci. 5, 62–71 (2001).
4. Galizia, G., Eisenhardt, D. & Giurfa, M. Honeybee Neurobiology and Behavior: A Tribute to Randolf Menzel (Springer, 2011). This book is a highly valuable and recent review on the state of the art in honeybee behaviour and neurobiology.
5. von Frisch, K. The Dance Language and Orientation of Bees (The Belknap Press of Harvard Univ. Press,1967). A bible for all researchers working with honeybees. Von Frisch describes in lucid words his lifelong research and discoveries.