1. The Verification of a Comprehensive Test Ban by Seismological Means (Working Paper by Canada to the Conference of the Committee on Disarmament, July 10, 1973; CCD/406).
2. Some Observations on the Verification of a Ban on Underground Nuclear Test Explosions (Working Paper by the Netherlands to the Conference of the Committee on Disarmament, July 11, 1973).
3. Swedish Scientific Work on the Verification of a Ban on Underground Nuclear Explosions (Working Paper by Sweden to the Conference of the Committee on Disarmament, July 10, 1973; CCD/405).
4. A Program of Research Related to Problems in Seismic Verification (Working Paper by the United States to the Conference of the Committee on Disarmament, July 5, 1973; CCD/404).
5. Davies, D., and Lacoss, R. T., First Results from the International Seismic Month, Tech. Note, 1973–32 (Lincoln Laboratory, MIT, July 1973).