1. Diabetes U. K. DIY Closed Loop for people living with type 1 diabetes Position Statement. Available at: https://www.diabetes.org.uk/resources-s3/2019-08/DIY-closed-looping-for-Type-1-diabetes-position-statement.pdf. (Accessed 16th Sep 2019).
2. People with type 1 diabetes and Do It Yourself (DIY) technology solutions. Diabetes Australia (2019). Available at: https://static.diabetesaustralia.com.au/s/fileassets/diabetes-australia/ee67e929-5ffc-411f-b286-1ca69e181d1a.pdf. (Accessed 5th Mar 2019).
3. JDRF’s UK Position Statement on type 1 diabetes ‘DIY’ technologies. JDRF UK (2019). Available at: https://jdrf.org.uk/about-us/position-statements-reports/position-statements/jdrfs-uk-position-statement-on-type-1-diabetes-diy-technologies/. (Accessed 5th Mar 2019).
4. Ypsomed partners with JDRF to develop new open technologies for next-generation automated insulin delivery (AID) systems. Available at: https://www.jdrf.org/press-releases/ypsomed-partners-with-jdrf-to-develop-new-open-technologies-for-next-generation-automated-insulin-delivery-aid-systems/. (Accessed 21st Mar 2019).
5. Lewis, D. & Leibrand, S. Real-World use of open source artificial pancreas systems. J. Diabetes Sci. Technol. 10, 1411 (2016).