Progress and prospects in rat genetics: a community view


Aitman Timothy J,Critser John K,Cuppen Edwin,Dominiczak Anna,Fernandez-Suarez Xose M,Flint Jonathan,Gauguier Dominique,Geurts Aron M,Gould Michael,Harris Peter C,Holmdahl Rikard,Hubner Norbert,Izsvák Zsuzsanna,Jacob Howard J,Kuramoto Takashi,Kwitek Anne E,Marrone Anna,Mashimo Tomoji,Moreno Carol,Mullins John,Mullins Linda,Olsson Tomas,Pravenec Michal,Riley Lela,Saar Kathrin,Serikawa Tadao,Shull James D,Szpirer Claude,Twigger Simon N,Voigt Birger,Worley Kim


Springer Science and Business Media LLC



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2. The Rat Genome Database: Genetic, Genomic, and Phenotypic Data Across Multiple Species;Current Protocols;2023-06

3. Successful induction of pseudopregnancy using sonic vibration in mice;Scientific Reports;2023-03-03

4. Genetic diversity of rodent species sold in South African pet shops;African Journal of Ecology;2022-11-27

5. Examining enteric nervous system function in rat and mouse: an interspecies comparison of colonic motility;American Journal of Physiology-Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology;2022-11-01







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