1. Schultze, M. S., “Über den Organismus der Polythalamien (Foraminiferen)” (Englemann, Leipzig, 1854).
2. Lankester, E. Ray, “A Treatise on Zoology”, Part 1, “Introduction and Protozoa” (Adam and Charles Black, London, 1903).
3. Doflein, F., “Lehrbuch der Protozoenkunde”, Aufl. 2 (Gustav Fischer, Jena, 1909).
4. Minchin, E. A., “An Introduction to the Study of the Protozoa” (Edward Arnold, London, 1922).
5. Calkins, G. N., “The Biology of the Protozoa”, 1st edit. (Baillière, Tindall and Cox, London, 1926.