1. Trull, M.C., du Laney, T.V. & Dibner, M.D. Biodefense market report: vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics for bioterror agents 2006. BioAbility/BioWorld Atlanta, GA (June 2006).
2. HHS cancels VaxGen's anthrax vaccine contract. (VaxGen, Brisbane, CA, December 19, 2006).
3. Warrick, J. The secretive fight against bioterror. The Washington Post (July 30, 2006) pA01.
4. http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/diseases/hepatitis/a/fact.htm
5. Trull, M.C., du Laney, T.V. & Dibner, M.D. Biodefense market report: drugs and vaccines for bioterror agents. BioAbility/BioWorld Atlanta, GA (May 2005).