1. United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation, General Assembly, Official Records: Thirteenth Session, Suppl. No. 17 (A/3838) (United Nations, New York, 1958).
2. Russell, R. S., Nature, 182, 834 (1958).
3. Burton, J. D., Milbourn, G. M., and Russell, R. S., Nature, 185, 498 (1960).
4. Mercer, E. R., Burton, J. D., and Bartlett, B. O., Nature, 198, 662 (1963).
5. United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation, General Assembly, Official Records: Seventeenth Session, Suppl. No. 16 (A/5216) (United Nations, New York, 1962).