1. Calnan, E. A., and Clews, C. J. B., Phil Mag., 41, 1085 (1950); ibid., 42, 616 (1951); ibid., 919 (1951).
2. Yen, M. K., Interim Report to Watertown Arsenal, WHL No. 401/14-4 (1950).
3. Williams, D. N., and Eppelsheimer, D. S., J. Met. (in the press).
4. Clark, H. T., Trans. Amer. Inst. Mech. Eng., 188, 1154 (1950).
5. Rosi, F. D., Dube, C. A., and Alexander, B. H., J. Met., 4, No. 2, 145 (1952).