1. Paratype, BM(NH) No. ZF. 2369, illustrated in Brady, H. B., Rep. Voy. Challenger, 9 (Zool.), Pl. 84, Fig. 8 (1884); cf. S. dehiscens dehiscens, lectotypified by Banner and Blow, Contr. Cushman Found., 11, 35, Pl. 7, Fig. 3 (1960).
2. Forms referred (auctt.) to G. multicamerata from Recent seas are referable to G. cultrata (s.1.) et al.
3. Banner, F. T., and Blow, W. H., Nature, 207, 1351 (1965).
4. Blow, W. H., and Banner, F. T., Micropaleontology (in the press).
5. G. sicanus de Stefani, Plinia, 3, 9 (1952) is regarded as a synonym of G. bisphericus Todd, Amer. J. Sci., 252, 681 (1954).