1. Fodor, G., and Kiss, J., Nature, 163, 287 (1949).
2. Fodor, G., Lecture delivered at the Meeting of Hung. Engineers Union Szeged, Dec. 12, 1948; summarized in Acta Chem. Phys. Szeged, 2, 227 (1949).
3. Raiford, L., and Mortensen, F., could not initiate acyl migration of bis-acylated 2-amino-cyclohexanol (J. Amer. Chiem. Soc., 50, 1201; 1928).
4. Attempts to convert amino-cyclohexanol into 1.2-cyclohexandiol of known configuration were unsuccessful: Wilson, N. A. B., and Read, J., J. Chem. Soc., 1270 (1935).
5. English Patent 454,042 (1936).