1. Johnsen, K., Proc. Seventh Intern. Conf. High Energy Accelerators; Yerewan (1970);
2. Schnell, W., Design Study for Intersecting Storage Rings, CERN Internal Report AR/SG/64-9 (1968).
3. Bristol - Cambridge - Liverpool - University College - Westfield College - Rutherford Laboratory Collaboration, CERN Internal Report ISRC/69-3 (1969).
4. Cool, R., Di Leila, L., Lederman, L., and Zavattini, E., CERN Internal Report ISRC/69-43 (1969);
5. Blumenfeld, B., Lederman, L. M., Seyler, S., Cool, R. L., Di Leila, L., Placci, E., and Zavattini, E., CERN Internal Report ISRC/69-43 add. (1970).