Evaluation of fungicides against false smut disease of rice (Oryza sativa L.)


Gangwar RK1,Thorat SS1,Kacha RP2,Parmar MB1


1. Main Rice Research Station, Anand Agricultural University, Nawagam, Kheda, Gujarat, India

2. Agricultural Research Station for Irrigated Crops, Anand Agricultural University, Thasra, Kheda, India


False smut of rice caused by Ustilaginoidea virens is a worldwide serious disease of rice. Seven fungicides were evaluated against false smut disease of rice during kharif, 2019 and 2020 at two locations. The ready mix fungicide azoxystrobin 18.2 % + difenoconazole 11.4% w/w SC was used in three doses where as other fungicides were used in single dose. Total two fungicidal sprays were given, first at 50% flowering and second at 100% flowering stage. The results showed that tebuconazole 50% + trifloxystrobin 25% WG at 0.8 g/L and picoxystrobin 7.05% + propiconazole 11.7% SC at 2.0 ml/L were found best in order of efficacy against false smut. These treatments recorded minimum per cent infected panicles/ sq m (3.57 and 4.31, respectively), per cent infected spikelets/ panicle (4.58 and 4.66, respectively) and maximum grain (7114 and 7043 kg/ha, respectively) and straw yield (10942 and 10984 kg/ha, respectively). The next best performance was recorded in azoxystrobin 18.2 % + difenoconazole 11.4% w/w SC at 1.25 ml/L where per cent infected panicle/ sq m was 6.50, per cent infected spikelets/ panicle was 8.22, where as the grain and straw yield was 6410 and 10551 kg/ha, respectively.


Association of Rice Research Workers








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