Simulation of arson fire with gasoline in the kitchen and development of a three-dimensional visualization model for evaluation of fire damage


Tsuneyoshi Kousuke1,Hirata Kyoichiro2,Suzuki Ken'ichiro3,Takahashi Yukimune4,Tobita Yuji5,Ueda Atsushi6,Watanabe Shintaro7,Ichikawa Toshikazu3,Nakagawa Masahiro8,Hagiwara Takao9,Honma Masakatsu3,Okamoto Katsuhiro3


1. Forensic Science Laboratory, Kumamoto Prefectural Police H.Q.

2. Scientific Investigation Laboratory, Aomori Prefectural Police H.Q.

3. National Research Institute of Police Science

4. Forensic Science Laboratory, Gunma Prefectural Police H.Q.

5. Forensic Science Laboratory, Chiba Prefectural Police H.Q.

6. Scientific Crime Laboratory, Kanagawa Prefectural Police H.Q.

7. Criminal Investigation Laboratory, Oita Prefectural Police H.Q.

8. First Criminal Investigation Division, Metropolitan Police Department

9. Forensic Science Laboratory, Ibaraki Prefectural Police H.Q.


Japanese Association of Forensic Science and Technology


General Medicine

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