Jaya Fitra Mulia,Yusanti Indah Anggraini
Abstract The utilization of Patin fish surimi (Pangasius hypopthalmus) become the instant products such as nugget has not been maximized because the information about the content of nutrition and innovation is still limited. So, the people are not interested in taking the advantages of surimi of Patin to the best quality products. The method of this research was experimental method with complete randomized design including factors consisting of 5 treatments of surimi catfish and carrot puree formulation, those were SW 1: 100% Surimi, SW 2: 90 Surimi and 10% Puree Carrot, SW 3: 80 Surimi and 20% Puree Carrots, SW 4: 70 Surimi and 30% Puree Carrots, SW 5: 60 Surimi and 40% Puree Carrots repeated 3 times. The result of this research obtained by nugget treatment with surimi was 80% Surimi and 20% Puree Wortel (SW3) formula was the best treatment based on moisture content was 60.86%, ash content was 2.13%, fat content was 1.31% and protein content was 6.33%.Abstrak Pemanfaatan surimi ikan Patin (Pangasiushypopthalmus) menjadi produk siap saji seperti nugget belum maksimal dikarenakan informasi tentang kandungan gizi dan inovasinya masih terbatas.sehingga masyarakat tidak tertarik untuk memanfaatkan surimi ikan Patin menadi produk yang bernilai tambah. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode eksperimen dengan rancangan acak lengkap meliputi faktor yang terdiri dari 5 perlakuan formulasi surimi ikan patin dan puree wortel yaitu SW 1 : 100% Surimi , SW 2 : 90 Surimi dan 10% Puree Wortel , SW 3 : 80 Surimi dan 20% Puree Wortel, SW 4 : 70 Surimi dan 30% Puree Wortel , SW 5 : 60 Surimi dan 40% Puree Wortel yang diulang sebanyak 3 kali. Hasil analisa didapatkan perlakuan nugget dengan formulasi surimi 80% Surimi dan 20% Puree Wortel (SW3) merupakan perlakuan terbaik berdasarkan nilai kadar kadar air 60,86%, kadar abu 2,13%, kadar lemak 1,31% dan kadar protein 6,33%.Kata Kunci :Nugget, Puree Wortel, Surimi, Proksimat
Badan Penerbitan Fakultas Pertanian (BPFP) Universitas Bengkulu
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