Characteristics of the composition of an administrative offense related to violation of the rules of quarantine of people


Martsun M. I.ORCID


The research is devoted to the study of the composition of an administrative offense related to violations of the rules of quarantine of people. The general, generic, and direct objects of administrative offense are defined. The general object of an administrative offense under Art. 44-3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses is the order of public administration, the generic object is public relations in health care, and the direct one is the health of the individual. A list of acts that constitute the objective side of the offense has been established. The objective aspect of an administrative offense is the violation of the rules on human quarantine and sanitary and hygienic rules established by law or decisions of public authorities and local governments. Staying in public places without personal protective equipment that covers the nose and mouth also entails administrative liability under Art. 44-3 of Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses. The list of the citizens and the officials belonging to subjects of offense is made. Special subjects of an administrative offense may be officials of public authorities and local governments, the State Service for Food Safety and Consumer Protection, enterprises, institutions, and organizations responsible for implementing measures to control infectious diseases. The subjective side of the violation of the rules of quarantine of people is given. It is proposed to consolidate the objective side of the administrative offense established in Part 1 of Art. 44-3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses as follows: “Violation of sanitary protection measures of the territory of Ukraine established by the legislation and decisions of state power and local self-government bodies”. Amendments to the legislation on administrative offenses are designed to improve the legal regulation of administrative liability for violating the rules of quarantine of people.


Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs


General Medicine,General Chemistry

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