1. Guidelines for the Management of Haemophilia. World Federation of haemophilia 2005. www.wfh.org/2/docs/publications/diagnosis_and_Treatment/Guidelines_Mng_Haemophilia.pdf
2. Querschnitts Leitlinien (BÄK) zur Therapie mit Blutkomponenten und Plasmaderivaten. 4. Auf. 2008. www.bundesaerztekammer.de/downloads/Blutkomponente_Querschnittsleitlinie
3. National Haemophilia Foundation. MASAC Recommendations concerning prophylaxis (regular administration of clotting factor concentrate to prevent bleeding). Document 179. www.haemophilia.org/NHFWeb/MainPgs/MainNHF.aspx?menuid=57contentid=1007 (last access on February 2012)
4. Prophylaxis in Children with Hemophilia: Evidence-Based Achievements, Old and New Challenges
5. Assessing the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of prophylaxis against bleeding in patients with severe haemophilia and severe von Willebrand's disease