1. 1 AOAC (Association of Official Analytical Chemist) (1984 )Official Methods of Analysis of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists14th edn. Washington, DC: AOAC.
2. 2 J.W. Carmichael, W.B. Kendrick, I.L. Conners, and L. Sigler (1980 )Genera of Hyphomycetes. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada: University of Alberta Press.
3. 4 K.H. Domsch, W. Gams, and T.H. Anderson (1980 )Compendium of Soil Fungi,vol1, London: Academic Press.
4. 5 M.B. Ellis (1971 )Dematiaceus Hyphomycetes. Kew, Surrey: Commonwealth Mycological Institute.