1. 1 Epworth Hospital . Vision and Values. Epworth Hospital, Melbourne 1995.
2. 2 Gertis M , Edgman-Leritan D , Daley J , Delbanco T . Through the Patients’ Eyes: Understanding and Promoting Patient-Centered Care. Josey-Bass Publishers, San Francisco. 1993.
3. 3 Craig-Lees M , Jou S , Browne B . Consumer Behaviour. John Wiley and Sons, Milton, Australia. 1995.
4. 4 Health Issues Centre . The Consumer Health Tree: What Consumers Want To Know about Hospitals. Health Issues Centre, Melbourne. 1997; 15-16.
5. 5 The Australian Council on Healthcare Standards. The EQuIP Guide: Standards and Guidelines for the ACHS Evaluation and Quality Improvement Program. ACHS, Sydney. 1996.