1. J. WhiteJournal of a Voyage to New South Wales, with sixty-five plates of nondescript Animals,Birds, Lizards, Serpents, Curious Cones of Trees and Other Natural Productions.London: I Debrett, 1970.
2. M. CannonThe Exploration of Australia.Sydney: Readers' Digest Services Pty Ltd, 1987.
3. R. HerveChance Discovery of Australia & New Zealand by Portuguese & Spanish Navigators between 1521 & 1528.(Trans.J Dunmore.) Palmerston North, New Zealand: The Dunmore Press Ltd, 1983.
4. R. HakluytThe Tudor Venturers, 1589.Hampden J (ed.) London: Folio Society Ltd, 1970.
5. D. SobelLongitude. London: Fourth Estate Ltd, 1996.