1. Frederic Wood Jones, 1879-1954
2. 2. F. Wood Jones Letter to Ulrica Hubbe, 4 November 1927. Wood Jones Collection, Library of the Royal College of Surgeons of England.
3. 3. JR. Stocker Sea sickness. In: Allbutt TC (ed.) ASystem of Medicine. London: Macmillan and Co. Ltd, 1897; 4456.
4. 4. R. Hutchison Sea sickness. In: Hutchison R (ed.)An Index of Treatment, 13th edn. Bristol: John Wright and Sons Limited, 1948; 7534.
5. 5. H. French Sea sickness. In: French H. (ed.)An Index of Differential Diagnosis of Main Symptoms, 6th edn. Bristol: John Wright and Sons Ltd, 1945; 34458.