1. PS. Cranston, 1991 .Immature Chironomidae of the Alligator Rivers Region. Open File Record 82, Supervising Scientist for the Alligator Rivers Region.
2. PS. Cranston, 1994 . Systematics. In:Chironomidae: Biology and Ecology of Non-Biting Midges(eds P Armitage, PS Cranston & LCV Pinder) pp. 31-61. Chapman & Hall, London.
3. PS. Cranston, 1996 .Identification Guide to the Chironomidae of New South Wales.AWT Identification Guide No. 1. Australian Water Technologies Pty Ltd, West Ryde, NSW.
4. Revision of Australian Rheotanytarsus Thienemann & Bause (Diptera: Chironomidae), with emphasis on immature stages
5. Tropical acid streams – the chironomid (Diptera) response in northern Australia