1. Use of lambda gt11 and monoclonal antibodies to map the genes for the six major glycoproteins of equine herpesvirus 1
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3. On Pseudorabies in Carnivores in Denmark
4. 5B. Braun, M. Beer, O.R. Kaaden, and N. Osterrieder , 1999 : An indirect immunofluorescent assay for the detection and differentiation of EHV-1 and EHV-4 specific antibodies in equine sera . In: Wernery, U., J. F. Wade, J. A. Mumford and O.R. Kaaden (eds), Equine infectious diseases VIII. Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference, Dubai, 2326 March, 1998, p. 527. RW Publications, Newmarket.