1. A.A. Al-Taweel, and M.A. Shawkit, 1983, Induction of cell death in the testis ofHeteracris littoralisby gamma rays. Biological effects of low-level radiation . Proceedings of an International Symposium on the Effects of Low-Level Radiation with Special Regard to Stochastic and Non-Stochastic Effects Jointly Organized by the International Atomica Energy Agency and the World Health Organization. 11-15April, 1983, Venice, Italy, pp. 97, 105 . International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna.
2. Asymmetrical homogamy and unequal sex ratio from reciprocal mating-order crosses between Chorthippus parallelus subspecies
3. Sperm Competition in Birds: Mechanisms and Function
4. Mechanisms of sperm competition