1. 1 AL Cochrane .Effectiveness and Efficiency. Random Reflections on Health Services. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, The Nuffield Provincial Hospital Trust, 1989 ; pp. 45, 66.
2. 2 I Chalmers . Evaluating the effects of care during pregnancy and childbirth. In:Effective Care in Pregnancy and Childbirth.Editors: Chalmers I, Enkin M, Keirse MJNC. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1989 ; pp. 3, 38.
3. 3 US Department of Health and Human Services .Caring For Our Future: the Content of Prenatal Care . Washington, DC: Department of Health and Human Services, 1989 .
4. Scientific basis for the content of routine antenatal care
5. Scientific basis for the content of routine antenatal care I. Philosophy, recent studies, and power to eliminate or alleviate adverse maternal outcomes