1. Institute of Zoology, Department of Population Biology, University of Copenhagen, DK‐2100, Copenhagen, Denmark, ,
2. Department of Natural Resource Sciences, Campus Macdonald, University McGill, Ste‐Anne de Bellevue, Quebec, H9X 3V9, Canada, ,
3. Department of Animal Biology, Faculty of Biology, University of Barcelona, 08071 Barcelona, Spain, ,
4. Allied Whale, College of the Atlantic, Bar Harbor, Maine, 04609 USA, ,
5. Greenlandic Fisheries Research Institute, Nuuk, Greenland, ,
6. Tethys Research Institute, Acquario Civico, 20121 Milano, Italy, ,
7. Mingan Island Cetacean Study Inc., St‐Lambert, Quebec, J4P 1T3 Canada, ,
8. Program for Whale Research, Marine Research Institute, 121 Reykjavik, Iceland, ,
9. Department of de Biologia Marina, Universidad Autonoma de Baja California Sur, La Paz, 23080 B.C.S., Mexico, ,
10. Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of California, Irvine, CA 92697–2525, USA