1. Potsdam Institut für Klimafolgenforschung e.V. (PIK), Postfach 60 12 03, Telegrafenberg, D‐14412 Potsdam, Germany,
2. The Ecosystems Center, Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL), Woods Hole, MA 02543, USA,
3. Previous name: A. Fischer.
4. Complex Systems Research Center, Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans, and Space, University of New Hampshire, Morse Hall, Durham, NH 03824, USA,
5. School of Forestry, University of Montana, Missoula, MT 59812, USA,
6. Present address: Lehrstuhl für Pflanzenökologie, Universität Bayreuth, D‐95440 Bayreuth, Germany,
7. Laboratoire de Physique Atmosphérique et Planétaire (LPAP), Institut d’Astrophysique et de Géophysique, Université de Liège, B‐4020 Liège, Belgium,
8. Laboratoire d’Ecophysiologie Végétale, Bâtiment 362, Université Paris‐Sud, F‐91405 Orsay Cedex, France
9. The following participated in the Potsdam NPP Model Intercomparison: A. Bondeau (previous name: A. Fischer), G. Churkina, W. Cramer, G. Colinet, J. Collatz, G. Dedieu, W. Emanuel, G. Esser, C. Field, L. Franc˛ois, A. Friend, A. Haxeltine, M. Heimann, J. Hoffstadt, J. Kaduk, L. Kergoat, D. W. Kicklighter, W. Knorr, G. Kohlmaier, B. Lurin, P. Maisongrande, P. Martin, R. McKeown, B. Meeson, B. Moore III, R. Nemani, B. Nemry, R. Olson, R. Otto, W. Parton, M. Plöchl, S. Prince, J. Randerson, I. Rasool, B...