1. 1 KC Calman .Postgraduate Medical and Dental Education in Scotland. Edinburgh: Scottish Office; 1991 .
2. 2 SCOPME (Standing Committee on Postgraduate Medical and Dental Education) .Teaching Hospital Doctors and Dentists to Teach: its Role in Creating a Better Learning Environment. Proposals for Consultation. London: SCOPME; 1992 .
3. 3 SCOPME .Teaching Hospital Doctors and Dentists to Teach: Creating a Better Learning Environment in Hospitals: 1. London: SCOPME; 1994 .
4. 4 SCOPME .Creating a Better Learning Environment in Hospitals: 2: Making the Most of Formal Educational Opportunities for Hospital Doctors and Dentists in Training. London: SCOPME; 1994 .
5. 5 British Medical Association .Report of the Working Party on Medical Education. London: BMA; 1995 .